PhD Student Position in Particle Physics at Ruhr University of Bochum (LHCb Group)

The newly established LHCb group at Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany, focused on hadron spectroscopy, invites applications for a PhD student position in particle physics with LHCb experiment.

Research Focus:

Our projects are centered on the spectroscopy of hadrons, with a keen interest in the identification and study of exotic states. The successful candidate will engage in physics analysis using LHCb data, particularly:

Additionally, our group is involved in the development of read-out electronics for the upgrade of the SciFi detector. This offers the candidate a remarkable opportunity to delve into the design of the readout chip, front-end board, and the test station for the next-generation read-out chain.

Our close collaboration with the leading theorists from the Joint Physics Analysis Center, JPAC, offers a platform to work on fronter of particle phenomenology, broaden the research horizon, hone analytical skills, and boost the publication rate.


PhD students will be under the expert guidance of the group PI, Dr. M. Mikhasenko (GitHub profile).

Some previous works:


The position spans 3-4 years.


The position is funded by NRW FAIR / BMBF and comes with a regular working contract. The remuneration is set at 66% of the TV-L13 pay grade.


Application Process:

Interested candidates should forward their CV, a motivation letter (not exceeding 500 words).

The deadline for submission is September 15th.


The selection will be conducted in two phases:

Start Date:

The position is available from Octeber. The starting date should not be later than January 2024.


The candidate will benefit from our collaborations with:

Professional Development:


For further inquiries, please reach out to

Equal Opportunity:

We are committed to fostering diversity in our group. Female students and students with non-traditional physics backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply.